Protect your business with IDCARE

Our award-winning service has a free Privacy & Cyber Health Check you can do online, in your own time, to get a sense of your business resilience and cyber health.

You also get a free consult with one of our expert business advisors. You may be surprised. It may not cost you anything to lift your resilience, but it may just save your business!

If you are experiencing an incident or aren’t sure, click on the Get Help button to have one of our incident responders assess what’s going on.

The Hard Facts

  • The average loss to a small business from a cyber security incident is over $37,000.
  • In most cases when an incident occurs, small business owners do not know the source of compromise.
  • However when an incident is attributed to an event, it is more likely due to business email compromise.
  • Small business owners also experience higher rates of social media account compromise and exploitation than individuals.
  • Responding to an incident may likely cost a small business four working days - including other costs incurred.
Cartoon Image of a small team fighting and resolving cyber issues

Experiencing an Incident?

Get Help Now
What IDCARE Provides

A Health Check that provides an independent and confidential appraisal of your resilience.

Access to an Expert Advisor who can talk through what your business needs to increase your resilience against the most common threats.

An Incident Response Hotline that provides impartial and independent advice on what you are dealing with.

Access to our Better Business Benefits program and discounts from IDCARE sponsors who contribute to our charity in keeping our community support.